Friday, March 10, 2006

Kitchen on the left and part of the living room on the right. Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

HI Alyssa!!

What an enchanting little dwelling you've discovered for yourself here. It's very unique and your personal touches make it very cool. I like the unusual layout...and the view looks great!! Felications! Yes, I can see myself reading from that balcony too! [sigh] I suggest a wonderful book for reading on your new Frank McCourt (Pulitzer prize winner for "Angela's Ashes" titled, "Teacher Man". I'm telling you, Alyssa...if you havent' read it already, you must!! Very engaging and a must read. For anyone who's been in the school system and for anyone trying to teach in it!

Returned from a great trip to Florida. I think we'll do Quebec City, Canada next's Lindsey's favorite vacation spot and the foliage is always so beautiful. IN addition to beautiful foliage and visiting the quaint hot spots of the old part of the city, the snow geese make a pit stop in Cap Tourmente, Quebec, Canada every year at that same's quite a thing to see. Thanks for the update, Alyssa! Stay well, dear.
Matante Dolores